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hi there!
i am angela
My goal is always the same and it is to empower you in your current and future life while resolving those experiences which have already happened in the past. We both have a spiritual team consisting of our loved ones, Angels and Spirit Guides and my role is to connect with those on the other side to get insight on what areas of your life they are assisting you with. Love is the best healer of all.
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We all have power within us to push past our history and create a unique future
As a child growing up on Long Island it was the norm for us to tell our Mom of the spirits and ghosts we saw moving throughout the house. Her only answer? "Its the living you have to worry about"
With such limited knowledge in mind, we believed everyone saw these things and we normalized them.
My Mom Carol in this picture told me shortly before she passed I was born with a veil over my face, meaning I could see the future. At that time, I just ignored the statement. However, her vision came to fruition after she passed.
My story
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